May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

“We are luminous beings,” said Malone. “We aren't just economic units" Excuse me while I barf.

Glad you're keeping up with this, Vilma. Charles Eisenstein's in this gang too. I know you already saw this one, from Alison's research, but in case others haven't: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/deep-fakes-eisenstein-and-rfk

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😂😂😂 thank you, I will read your post again. I always learn from you.

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I'm not what anyone would call technology-competent, but crypto depends on that ephemeral creature, The Electricity Fairy (no relation) to live and breathe. He who controls the juice to the servers owns that freedom currency, pretty much. Servers are real tangible things performing mechanical work, more or less. They live in physical space. Someone can get to them--especially the governing authorities of the physical land they sit on.

Or am I so behind the times that I don't realize that crypto-currency servers live in the happy fields of space and no human hands can get to them?

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May 23Liked by La Gata Politica

I have always had the same thought. Someone will control the “switch” to the server or platform these rest on.

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May 24Liked by La Gata Politica

and someone will be able to hack them, no matter how much they try to tell you that no one can, it's on a world wide ledger, etc...someone will figure out how, maybe AI, but someone or a few someones. Never say never...

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There are very many smart people without an ability to see around corners.

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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

We know that most of the Bitcoin gains this year are from the ETF... And also, that Blackrock cornered kuch of that market..

There's no reason to believe that Blackrock et al don't already own the majority of the coins as well.. Positioning them perfectly to collapse it the second they want to implement the Centralized CBDC'S... Replete with a new digital FDIC to replace the current FDIC which only has enough cash on over 1% of insured deposirs.

As the everything bubble pops.. With upwards of 2000 small and regional banks with CRE unrealized losses and low yield govt junk bonds as collateral....

The Fed rushing in to save the day, re-invseting the yield curve...

And boom.. The market, the banks, and everyone and everything in it that are unprepared get wiped out...

But hey. They have a solution.. They don't have the cash, but if you convert to Digital.. They can ensure all of your losses, from the banks accounts, to the pensions which will all be wiped out in a market crash.

It will be the only option left as they take all of the cryptos down with it.

But don't worry.. There will be UBI and a digital FDIC..

Keep Tha change you filthy animals.

You're welcome.

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Indeed, that's exactly what's happening. I just watched George Gammon (Rebel Capitalist) discuss his trip to Argentina - what a disaster! I hope people are listening and preparing. Here's link to his video, in case you haven't watched it:


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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

I follow Mannarino, Gannon, Zang, J Bravo, IAmJohnWilliams, and the spectacular Lena Petrova (who also writes a Stack). A wealth of knowledge.

The ReVenture kid is an oracle for real estate.

Sachs realty does excellent interviews, but rhey ofren run 1-2 hours and there are only so many hours in a day.

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Thank you for sharing those names, I'll look up their channels and can listen to them as time allows. There's so much to know!

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Well argumented case there in the video, kinda. What's not mentioned about the Bitcoin scenario is the tokenization of assets ( this includes people) kinda how Hollywood actors are demanding they own all digital aspects of themselves, so should everyone born from today, on. Where everyone essentially does, makes or manufactures. But instead of a single store of value in one medium of exchange like a US currency, the token has your value as the product producers of whatever it is that is contributed by you. Like a farmer/rancher token pays for the supplies from the farming community in tokens for that commodity whereas the supplier accepts that token to use as payments to the supply company's production/distribution costs including human contributions. And so-on. Once established the next phases of the concept make the psychological transformation from a cashless monetary system understandable.

It goes much further than replacing hard capital with digital money and getting folks to transition from a fiat paper money and debt system to basically a digital version where there's no imaginary "collateral" like a gem, precious metals or a printed promise on piece of paper and coins, right?

Assets are the value and that value dependency is the supply and demand. Commodities are being replaced with imaginary values of fiat currency and a manipulated commodities market. That is the entire scheme.

Next we'd have to understand the principle built into the immutable ledger of the block chain ecosystem to fully grasp the entire Bitcoin and Altcoin/DefiDEX concept.

Beyond that, is of course smart contracts, AI then AI Agents and finally, Super-AI.

Currently the power infrastructure and resources for electricity that would be sustainable to advancements in computing, transportation, robotics manufacturing, production and distribution and waste management were obviously underestimated by the central planning ideologies and failed to consider the infrastructure's prerequisites.

Now we look more closely at what a CBDC is and why every nation wants it to replace it's incompatible paper system with a similar and centralized version of the existing cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The trick is making users fall for that instead of simply divorcing themselves entirely from the international banking system regardless of it accepting a Bitcoin ETF. As if they accept going out of business by succumbing to a decentralized, unregulated and free market, utilizing trust-less medium's of exchange. Transacting autonomously with other decentralized liquidity pools (yes they want in on that action badly). Because their's have dried up and is at its end as far as why society would accept more of the same uncertainty and quiet frankly, deception.

Hopefully Bitcoin makes a hell of a lot more sense now tothe reader's commentary.

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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

Blockchain will run the digital prisons...even some of the 'alt media' who promote crypto were aware of this in 2020-2021. Mum's the word: they went ahead and made money on it.

Crypto is essentially a CBDC Trojan Horse - esp the proposed Stable Coins.

Coupled with Tether, it seems the plan is to extend dollar hegemony.

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Thank you for adding to the convo - I'm just learning about this - I know, I'm late to the party, as usual. I'm watching so many ugly things happening in our world, it's disappointing that these wealthy egomaniacs are eager to cause more destruction. They can't take the money with them when they croak!

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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

There was always the suspicion that the intelligence services created Bitcoin:

"Edward Snowden: Bitcoin Was Invented By The NSA To Spy On You People"

The CIA Secretly Owned Crypto AG, Did They Secretly Create Bitcoin? (Opinion):

..To begin with, Bitcoin is based on technology created by the National Security Agency (NSA). The NSA’s Secure Hashing Algorithm 256 (SHA-256) is a lynchpin of Bitcoin Core, the software that turns a computer into a Bitcoin node."

"The NSA may have helped to invent Bitcoin, founder of world’s second largest cryptocurrency Ethereum claims"

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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

Indeed.. There's more to cover than one could in multiple lifetimes.. We just pray for discernment and do our best.

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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

This is unlikely.. The IMF already has a universal digital currency capable of settling international trades instantly....

With the backlash to the digital currencies in some countries, they just rebranded it.

Different nations may be allowed to maintain the veneer of sovereign currencies, but they will all lead back to the single ledger.

No dollar hegemony.

This is how they will make everyone equal (equally poor)..

As they do everything they can to destroy the dollar.. They point to the looming BRICS currency.. Gold backed (good luck ever exchanging it for any gold), and based on sound prinjples, like each nations real assets and resources.

That's how they'll be able to justify the US collapse in the history books.

We are a debtor nation. With massive trade deficits.. If we returned to the gold standard, as even some Fed president's are suggesting.. We'd soon be sending all of our Gold overseas, really leaving us with nothing.

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deletedMay 22
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The same handful of people own every single central bank on the planet.. Any illusion of differences are just part of the political theater.

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Well, that depends on if you'd let that happen. Would you?

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Blockchain is already widely in use - thanks mainly to Crypto Bros.

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Bobby boy & his buddies are crazies, spent a good chunk of yesterday evening reviewing the links to “Bobby goes Ape” but he’s probably just the poster boy… behind the scenes they’re all on the same page.


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Yes, yes they are. But it's interesting that the lifelong Progressives who have hijacked the MFM all tie back to the Feds: Kirsch (DARPA), Malone (DTRA/USAMRID/BARDA), Kennedy & Weinstein's fathers worked together under JFK. There are no coincidences. Dark forces are absolutely behind this.

I blame Alison McDowell for training my brain to work harder and look beyond what these parasites are showing us.😂😂😂

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Thank you La Gata for your astute and insightful collection of data about some of the manipulation occurring in our world. ~ Ginger Breggin

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You're welcome and thank you for reading my post!

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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

Didn’t realize until a minute ago crypto is being decided by our betters, er our corrupt congress and WH.


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The GAO has been looking into crypto for a while, they issued a report about it. Elizabeth Warren is an interesting player in this dirty game, she's a money whore who pretends to care about the little people.

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May 26Liked by La Gata Politica

And she is Native American too.

Remember that of the people podcast shot in her kitchen where she says, ‘I’m gonna have myself a beer.’ 🤮

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Beyond cringy😂😂I think she has a SubZero fridge - costs about as much as the last used car I purchased. I can't stand her.

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Anyway that all obfuscates the danger of the people ‘elected’ to represent us.

Even if votes are tallied and counted fairly in any election when money from outside that constituency is allowed to influence an election we all have what amounts to taxation without representation and I don’t get why Americans are okay with that.

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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

WHAT 🤯🤯. That’s insane. Bitcoin is the ultimate control down to the tiniest amount & of course the govt can & will control it all … I once had hope for RFK jr. .. what an idiot I was 😟

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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

Yes 👏. According to Sabrina Wallace on Psienergy.. “who started & owns the internet”. There is no dark web .. it’s all accessible to the players & bitcoin is everything they need for carbon tracking … they have total control already .. 🙏

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Yes, my techy boys have explained to me that the blockchain/crypto currencies all have digital footprints. When that was explained to me, I started listening carefully to the linguistics used - it's demoralizing that so many good people are being fooled.

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behold! the lineup of controlled opposition. they must say something true at first tho.

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I see all of these lifelong Progressives as the opposition and all of them tie back to the Feds (Kirsch, Malone, Kennedy & Weinstein).

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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

Yes.. I've long said it's the Trojan horse for CBDC'S.. We need a sound alternative.. Perhaps the ones that worked for tens of millenia?

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Yes! Thank you for reading my post!

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May 23Liked by La Gata Politica

Gata, I think you and Allison are spot on. I also contacted a “women’s empowerment” business in FL that “helps” abused women with btc and cryptocurrency. When I asked questions about where these currencies were coming from and how they were being transferred (harvested/stolen) from some and given to another, their responses to my emails stopped.

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Wow! Why is it that the most vulnerable are targets of these parasites? After learning from Alison about the drug rehab places in Florida, I've met regular folks who were tricked by them, now owe close to $100k and were never really helped. They put them on a vicious cycle of abuse. If I had the time and money, I'd go after the owners, sue them into oblivion. I hate parasites.

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May 24Liked by La Gata Politica

Wow! That’s crazy. I suspect it’s set up this way, so they have ownership over them. Instead of empowering them, they are playing god over them and exploiting them.

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May 22·edited May 23Liked by La Gata Politica

You blew my mind! OUTSTANDING work!

Do you know much about a guy by the name of Aaron Day?


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I don't know anything about him but I'll watch this video tomorrow.

Under Biden, the US Government has produced several reports on crypto and arrested a bunch of people using crypto for "nefarious" reasons. It's all very confusing since transactions are traceable- but it's marketed as confidential. The Feds have tracked many transactions. They want their piece of the action.

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Keen to hear your thoughts on the guy and his "New Manhattan project" plan.

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Ok I'll follow up tomorrow when my brain is working.

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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

In regarding Jeff Hanson. Does it really matter if he donates his money to Dr. Malone and his wife to travel the world to speak and engage in conferences, summits, rallies, etc. Jeff Hanson started The Unity Project and Dr. Malone is the Chief Medical and Regulatory Officer for The Unity Project. You should check out the website. I don't recall Dr. Malone telling children to get the shot, actually he is warning parents against it.

In regards to Steve Kirsch - you have to admit he has done a hell of a lot of amazing research and calling everyone out on it. What is wrong with this? Dark money. - would you like to be on his podcast on VSRF? (Vaccine Safety Research Foundation). You can discuss what you call the "dark money" with him yourself. He probably would even pay you to be on the podcast just like he has offered 1 million dollars to Peter Hotez to have a discussion with him about the data that he has but that won't happen. - see Steve Kirsch's substack. It's well worth the read.

RFK Jr. - I like him a lot :))

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As I’ve told you before, I’ll be happy to go on Steve’s Podcast after he pays @Anthony Colpo the cash he owes him.

Is that you, Jill? If not, why are you always so protective of Jill’s husband? I don’t allow other women to be protective of my husband, that’s my job. Is Jill so weak that she can’t protect her own husband?

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What does going on his podcast have to do with @Anthony Colpo? And no, I am not Jill. I highly doubt his wife has time to read Substack articles, especially ones that slander her husband. Why wouldn't you allow other women to be protective of your husband if they believe he is a good person and sticking up for him when people just put him down.

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You have two paid subscriptions - Malone and Kirsch. You're constantly protecting the gnome - why?

What is slanderous? I've presented facts - and as Shapiro says, facts don't care about your feelings. Why are you reading my posts if they hurt your feelings?

It's about having balls, and Steve Kirsch lacks the balls to pay Anthony Colpo the money he owes him. I don't correspond with men who lack cojones.

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Do you see how many subscribers there are to those 2 substacks ?

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Julie Green must be a very lonely woman, huh?

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not sure who that is but whatever

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I like to see everyone’s point of view and choose which ones i deem worthy of paying for. I don’t choose to pay for articles that just slander and demean people.

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So your other 58 subscriptions slander and demean people? Do you realize how idiotic your comment is? You have two subscriptions that are paid - Malone and Kirsch - Captain Obvious.

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Have you written any articles about the new proposed pandemic treaty by the WHO (The World Health Organization) and the proposed amendments to the international health regulations? It is coming up next week for a vote in Geneva. Many people that I subscribe to have written about this, including Dr. Malone, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Meryl Ness, A Midwestern Doctor (great article from today), Tess Lawrie, Sasha Latypova, John Leake, Dr. Peter McCullough. Heck- Mr. Kirsch even had a podcast last week about it. You should check it out

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No. They do not slander. My comment is not idiotic at all. But keep up the work you are doing. Time will tell who is telling the truth and who the “bad” guys are. And it has nothing to do with protecting “someone’s husband”. I’m simply making a statement about “a person” that I subscribe to. It is not about “a husband” at all.

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Where's the slander? Why are you here if it hurts your feelings? Why are you protective of other women's husbands?

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May 22Liked by La Gata Politica

Do you have a date for that picture.. yuck 🤮..

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The pictures are screenshots I just took from the videos and then I create the graphics. I can only do it during the very few minutes of creativity that I get here and there. The Malone & Kennedy videos have been in my database for a long time, I didn't know how to present them and then I watched Alison and Lynette and it all came together in my little head. I'm not a professional researcher or writer, so I struggle sometimes.

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Thank you for your work exposing the other shit they are up too.

He’s a blatant deepstate, lede burying, limited hangout, controlled opposition,narcissistic as fuck, sociopath. Pardon my French.

Can’t believe I ever thought (very) highly of him and gave him some of my money. Sans with RFK.

Doesn’t apologize for anything, still frames him consulting an Indians company on how to make fake Covid vaccines (real poison) with “traditional vaccine tech “ and framed it basically as philanthropy.

He goes on to claim repeatedly , ad nauseam actually, that in essence every criticism of comes from 1/2 types: hate trolls or , amazingly: is a COINTELPRO plot to undermine his freedom warrior leader status so the masses lose to the globalists.

You can’t make this shit up.

Couldn’t simply be people have walked off the mental plantation he’s charged with overseeing and while continuing to get educated and ask questions have come back with some serious questions only for non answers and smear .

Literally boasts about speeding up Ebola vax by navigating the regulatory process and streamlining blah blah blah.

Doesn’t defend his most prized credential is his Salk institute stuff or work. Clearly he’s never read his fields own history, or has no capacity for shame if he’s proud to have any association with that fellow massive fraud Jonas Salk…



Malone is a pseudoscience thoroughbred .

Plandemic series (which I formerly loved - still do where it’s relevant)

All “Freedom Fighter” docs

RFK jr.

What do they all have in common?

Shilling fake treatments for fake pathogens in one shape or form. Limited hangouting TF out of engrossed people (myself too formerly ).

Subtly to less than subtly trying to keep people who had been asking questions from asking anymore and quietly trying to pick up where big brother fucked up overplaying their hand.

Most importantly they quietly continue push the lynchpin virus psyop while simultaneously keeping the regimes core narratives alive and well contained in an intellectual merry ground of TWC cult of personality goons trying to grow their cult of personality capital and reach .

Constant “Star studded” conferences of the same compromised people all in some way shape or form able to take themselves seriously writing about conspiracies while also dogpilling anything they denounce as conspiracy theories as such. Apparently self appointed priesthood of priests never actually left they just changed outfits and locations.

Fed;department of war lackey-> corporatist consultant->DITRA->medical freedom fighter . How dare people wonder if he’s a wolf in sheeps clothing?! 🙄🥲

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