Democrats Limiting Our Access "to Defend Our Life Force"
Politicians Attempting to Ban Private Citizens from Tactical Training
Let’s stop these Democrats from limiting our access to “tactical training” - Tesstamona teaches why we need to be proactive: “It brings great empowerment to know how to defend our lives.”
I’ll show you what’s going on in Congress with a particular Bill and how to find your US Senator and/or US Representatives.
I have not corresponded with Tesstamona and do not have her permission to share her post, but asking for forgiveness….
This inspiring post by
is about a woman who invested time and energy in herself by attending a training course on real life self defense. Everyone should read her post where she shares her “tactical response” experience and also watch her video on YouTube.“Does anyone else think it’s insane that we allow a “government” to tell us whether or not, and if so, HOW, we shall be allowed to defend our life force? Our beating hearts? Our existance? Because if that is the case, who really owns our lives? Certainly not us.”
Shortly after I read her post this weekend and watched her YouTube video, I came across this video from “Armed Scholar” regarding Bill S3589 (HR6981 in the House of Representatives):
“In this video I break down a concerning national bill aiming to ban people from training.”
Transcript of video:
Link to Senator Markey’s profile is in screenshot below:
I’ve looked up the Senate Bill S3589 and included hyperlinks in the screenshots and PDFs of the actual Bills as of 2/19/2024, for your convenience. If you’re interested in searching for other Federal (not SLED) Bills/Legislation/Regulations you can search at (SLED is State Local EDucation). Below are the screenshots for the Senate and House Bills.
Introduced in Senate (01/16/2024)
Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024
This bill establishes a federal statutory framework to prohibit certain conduct involving actions as a part of (or on behalf of) a private paramilitary organization while armed.
An individual who violates the prohibition is subject to criminal penalties. The bill also authorizes civil remedies.
Always check for the co-sponsors of every Bill you’re researching:
Always check the Committee(s) where Bill is being considered/debated: (Senate Judiciary Committee)
Always look for “Related Bills” (in other Chamber of Congress):
Text of Senate Bill / PDF:
Introduced in House (01/11/2024)
Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024
This bill establishes a federal statutory framework to prohibit certain conduct involving actions as a part of a (or on behalf of) a private paramilitary organization while armed.
An individual who violates the prohibition is subject to criminal penalties. The bill also authorizes civil remedies.
Who are the co-sponsors in the House of Representatives (don’t get excited about all of them being Democrats at this point - we have MANY RiNOs in both Chambers who love to step on our rights):
Which House Committee is possibly considering this Bill HR6981?: House Judiciary
Related Bills (circles back to Senate Bill S3589:
Text of Bill / PDF:
WHO REPRESENTS ME? (Call them, write to them, make some noise)
Thank you, Tesstamona, you kick ass.
Now I can go back to researching money laundering in nonprofits and the Kamala Harris of the Republican Party - Nikki Haley.
No government should not allow a woman or a man to learn self-defense. Just today there was an article on Mr. Stallone insisting on his daughters getting trained by former Navy Seals. Other fathers have taught daughters situational awareness and even self-defense.
No amount of tactical training can protect you from Directed Energy or frequency weapons which are being used on everyone in the population, whether you know it or not.