How bizarre and RFK, jr wants to rep the common man while sitting next to a wife who looks like she is made out of plastic. The world these people live in is not the world most of us live in hanging with a dictator, why?

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Bobby panders to Blacks and gays - Fidel had a labor camp in Camaguey where he brutalized them. Bobby is a hypocrite who pretends to care about us. I thank Alison McDowell for educating me on who Bobby really is- her YT channel is excellent.

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Anyone who chooses a running mate who is part of the World Economic Forum is no good for America. He is a fraud & part of club we aren’t in folks. His stance on abortion up to full term is disgusting. He won’t hold anyone accountable for the covid scamdemic, but tell that to Del Bigtree & friends. Trump is no better unfortunately. So it’s up to us. We The People to save America. These clowns are lying liars. They lie their way to the top. It’s all they know. Very sad.

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Follow the money, the fat cats within the "Medical Freedom Movement" have increased their PNW while pretending to care about the plebs. The money laundering between the NGOs in the MFM is off the charts, starting with RFK Jr.'s Children's Health Defense. The hypocrisy is off the charts as well.

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So sorry to hear about your uncle and Dad's best friend. The 1st vid (couldn't bear to watch the others) make me dislike RFK Jr's wife even more. Clearly, not only is she an actor, but he is also. Americans of my gen (yes, Boomer) - and obviously later - are obsessed w/Castro, Che, and Mao. When you learn the real stories bhind these revolutionary "heroes," it's quite a paradigm shift.

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Thank you. This was extremely difficult to research and publish. I've never heard of any American royalty being arrested for not paying for services rendered in Cuba, and they think it's funny. It's grotesque and everyone should remind the Kennedys of their bad behavior when they're in public.

Every time I see a Black American celebrity wearing a Che shirt, it reminds me of 1) how poorly educated most of us are and 2) money and fame can't buy you intelligence. Che and Fidel despised Blacks and gays - in the 60s Fidel started a labor camp where gays were brutalized but the rainbow buffoons praise El Comandante! 🤦‍♀️

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Very interesting info. Read somewhere a few years ago @ Castro's lineage - scion of semi-royal Spanish nobility - and his multiple luxury properties around the world. Unsure why white Americans still idolize Castro; granted, he did cut a dashing figure in his fatigues, and that beard and general persona were worthy of a rockstar. The mythology also worked on Canadians, like PM's former wife, M Trudeau. Che was also dashing and daring, and from a wealthy BG. US Kennedy clan- photogenic and well-spoken - seem to be cut from the same cloth, our American "royalty" who can seemingly get away with anything.

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Fidel lived in our hood. His mother was a rabid, angry, mean Leftist Spaniard who carried a rifle everywhere she went. They do own property throughout the world - Fidel was one of the wealthiest dictators - he stole our land and possessions. Unlike the Kennedy clan, I don't recall Fidel murdering any of his women. Our neighbor across the street are the Diaz Balarts, aunt of Jose Diaz Balart I think was Fidel's first wife. Her family disowned her. A tangled web!

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Oh, wow, your recollections and experience are certainly up close and personal. Brutal, yet priceless. A very tangled web indeed. Have to research more on the Diaz Balarts.

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Lift and turn over a rock and see what lives there.

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Indeed. I wasn't prepared for this bombshell, it's been a difficult, painful experience for me, as you can imagine. My father never mentioned to me that the Kennedys continued their love affair with Fidel and Fidel's assassins. So shameful of this clan to rub it in our faces.

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More and more regular hard working folks are feeling disenfranchised and cheated by the Elitist Cabal. It can’t continue to much longer. We are in the 4th Turning and society as we know it will collapse and start again.

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I pray to God Almighty you are right.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his late wife, who was an architect into “sustainability,” had a reputation for refusing to pay contractors who worked on the home they built. The contractors said the Kennedys felt the contractors should feel privileged to work for them. There was no dispute about the quality of the work done, according to the contractors; the Kennedys just did not think they should have to pay.

I did not know your family’s personal history with Castro before this article. I am very sorry, but not shocked. Many brutal psychopaths can be very charming, so that narcissistic idiots were charmed by Castro does not surprise me.

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Thank you. I was a Construction Project Manager in a past life and understand that shoddy work doesn't get compensated, but deliberately cheating small businesses in the construction industry can be devastating. I didn't know that Kennedy has a history of not paying for services rendered by contractors at his home, that's a humongous slap in the face to all the laborers he's pretending to care about.

Have you heard him whine about his mega privileged kids not being able to afford a home? WTF! An insult to the average Dick and Jane struggling to pay rent and feed their kids.

My blood pressure is going up, I need to step away from this topic, his hypocrisy infuriates me. 😨

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Their most stupid move was to go out into the marketplace and expect to blend in and receive the same treatment as everyone else. Lack of awareness in the extreme.

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They definitely lack self awareness! They have no problem flaunting their privilege and later laughing at their grotesque actions. Unreal.

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RFKjr seems like a raging narcissist to me. I remember the first time I noticed this in him was when he interviewed Eric Clapton who was vax damaged. RFKjr didn't care one iota about Eric's health or pressure from friends and family not to speak up about his injuries or any other real life trauma of having his career put on possibly permanent hold.

All Bobby cared about was hanging w/ Clapton The Legend as if Clapton's "coolness" would rub off. It was a gross prep school boy interview from an entitled pov.

Think about his hobby of falconry. Imprisoning wild predatory birds and starving them to train them in order to practice the "Sport of Kings". Ughhhh....The world is a cesspool.

No doubt he loved Castro and cheated poor women and is married to an aging plastic doll.

AND FLEW ON THE LOLITA EXPRESS. Yeah, Baby. Literally...

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Sadly he's surrounded by narcissists that are as bad as he is, starting with Trevor FitzGibbon, Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone. If more folks would listen to his interviews carefully (linguistics) and decipher his body language, as you've done, Bobby and Botox Barbie would be publicly shamed for their bad behavior. Instead, he's created a cult who ignore the fact that he's a monster - same as Malone and Kirsch. Three lifelong Progressives who have deliberately hijacked the MFM. Thank you for reading my post, this one was challenging to research since several generations of my family have been negatively impacted by the demon that Botox Barbie labels as sweet.

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Yes, the personal damages you and your family have endured make the telling painful. I'm so glad for my and others benefit you did it anyway. That takes courage. Applaud.

If people aren't taught how to see through the monsters clever facades, they will always fall prey to them. Though I have to say it's most people's fear of believing in God Almighty that makes them turn to the pathetic men you listed to worship instead of God. They choose to invite evil in the door and embrace it.

But every once in a while, someone pulls their head out, someone like me, and looks around and sees it for what it is. Your voice and others in the wilderness do make some come to their senses. I was once as lost. No more by God's grace and mercy.

Thank you. I found your stack through Kitten's Secret Garden and I'm really glad I did. I have started a stack as well, so feel free to peruse if so inclined.

God Bless.

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Thank you for your encouragement and for reading my post. We must keep our eyes and ears open and observe the body language and cadence used by the selected "heroes" - especially those who are enriching themselves while doing nothing for those who are suffering.

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Wow. Amazing story. It’s Marie Antoinette all over again. Maybe she didn’t really say “Let them eat brioche” but it seems brioche was eaten.

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🤣as I'm reading your comment I'm remembering a Marie Antoinette movie I watched - she had the huge hair and super tight bodice.

A mega wealthy couple visiting a country where the average citizen is truly oppressed and hungry - and the Botox Barbie ends up in jail for refusing to pay for services rendered. It's infuriating that they "market" themselves as being kind and generous.

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Che Guevara is an assassin, much adored by masses all over the world, past and present, but an assassin ... his Christ like image on those T shirts, possibly one of the most profitable merchandises ever, is sickening ... good to call these enablers out, in their high heels and lipstick they would not be able to cope with a single second of incoming enemy fire that say those like a Tulsi Gabbard have faced in myriads, as they mop up blood and gore in boots and fatigues ...

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An assassin, a rapist and racist - he and Castro despised Blacks. He was kicked out of Africa because of raping and killing children and women- and yet Blacks wear shirts with his picture on it.

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Wow. I’m it sure how I missed this. Great article👍👍

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Mary defines the truth of these two Kennedy losers. May she rest in Peace as Cheryl Hines reveals her true empty self.

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Botox Barbie is her new name, and I'm being nice.

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Great write up. Would be interested to hear your perspective on the Trudeau's involvement with Castro. I know the fact checkers love to deny it but I wouldn't be surprised to discover these lecherous cretins have a communist breeding program..

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I've read many times that Justin is Fidel's son and I wouldn't doubt it. Like most Cuban men, Fidel couldn't keep his dick in his pants😂😂 if I come across any Cuban publications that mention the Trudeaus and Justin's connections to Fidel, I'll make sure to post it!

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😂😂that was a distraction to divert attention from his willingness to allow women to murder their full term babies. Trevor FitzGibbon is an evil genius at PR. Bobby has no problem embracing a dictator that brutalizes & murders Blacks & gays while he simultaneously panders to Blacks & gays with surgical precision. I expect the usual flying monkeys to attack me as they've done in the past. Another distraction will be created. I disliked Bobby after I witnessed his hypocrisy with CHD's dark money, now I despise him and his Botox Barbie.

Anyone who tries to glorify them should be shamed into oblivion- they have no reason to be friends with Castro. Well, other than to continue the love affair JFK had with Fidel when he set up the Cuban dissidents to be slaughtered at the Bay of Pigs. The Kennedys are Communist pigs.

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Kennedy is compromised unless you want to vote for sombody who is working for the global cabal.

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No one currently running for POTUS is a bigger global parasite than a Kennedy. No one.

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