Robert Malone: "if you add Dexamethasone you kill I'm not kidding you (PAUL COTTRELL LAUGHS) you can laugh…"
Remdesivir: "that's a tangent, that's going down a rabbit hole"
JJ Couey, PhD and Mark Kulacz of Housatonic.Live have recently discovered videos from 2021 where Robert Malone and Paul Cottrell briefly mention the deadly Covid19 protocols (“rabbit hole” Malone dismisses) and other topics.
Please follow links to JJ Couey and Housatonic.Live’s videos where they discuss the Malone/Cottrell videos. Recent derogatory comments by George Webb about JJ and Mark are now making more sense to me - he doesn’t want us discussing the deadly protocols that Malone calls “tangents, going down a rabbit hole”. History tells us that both Paul Cottrell and Robert Malone, in early 2020, may have connections to Remdesivir and the government’s decision to force it on us as part of the deadly hospital protocols.
…that moment when Robert Malone admits that he’s part of the DOD and JJ reacts:
Robert Malone (Cottrell) Aug 2021 -- 21 Sept 2023
(2:51 “it was initially funded by the uh crew that I work with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA/DOD)….4:34 yet the DOD fortunately…
WE’RE entirely separate from dr fauci's control and uh oversight and so
WE’RE able to pursue the science that
WE see as most appropriate and we've been focusing on drug repurposing as I said from the beginning of the of 2020 and uh
WE actually uh in the trials we had designed a three-arm outpatient trial that would be placebo versus celecoxib and famotidine versus celecoxib femonide and ivermectin but the fda created such a storm with their objections to uh including ivermectin they put clauses in there that were so untenable it would have taken us six months to a year to satisfy them so
WE just dropped the ivermectin arm”)
(emphasis on we, we’re, DTRA/DOD mine)
“7:51 i'm in touch with Steve kirsch you know almost hourly uh he's the one that funded the George Washington studies”
“9:42 remember i started in in the beginning of january i was docking compounds on january 11 after the seafood market wuhan seafood market virus sequence was first uploaded i didn't focus on 3cl pro which is what the pfizer drug is is inhibiting its protease inhibitor rather i focused on the papain-like protease because I knew that there was already a lot of candidates out there”
“12:59 and this was verified in a platform trial called i spy that hasn't been published yet uh that WE also funded through DOD uh we had WE had counseled that they should not proceed with the trial arm in the presence of dex but they insisted that they do so because they considered it standard of care”
“13:57 your viewership may be aware that Remdesivir’s efficacy is um not quite what we were led to believe uh and and uh most would say that it doesn't support the license that it has right now the authorization in any case that's that's a tangent that's going down a rabbit hole”
JJ mentioned Sasha Latypova’s research on the role the US Department of Defense played in the “countermeasures” (DOMANE comes to mind). Are we allowed to discuss Malone’s role with the DOD/DTRA/DOMANE and said “countermeasures”?
Mark mentions, on Twitter/X, Malone’s Dexamethasone and Remdesivir comments (Malone has blocked
on Twitter/X because tolerance/search for truth are top priorities for the so-called leaders of the so-called “medical freedom movement”).Mark follows up with a fiery video, honoring, once again, a young victim of the Covid19 protocols (Housatonic’s Remdesivir playlist)….that “rabbit hole”/ tangent that Robert Malone didn’t want to discuss.
RIP Danielle Alvarez. You mattered, your life mattered. You are loved.
Mark mentions Rick Bright, his connections to Robert Malone and Remdesivir. I’ve done some research on Rick Bright:
Mark followed up with another video on his Bitchute channel, please watch and share: The Global Enlightenment Radio Network: J6 FBI Multi-link to CV19/Remdesivir via Malone
If you’re able to financially help Danielle’s mother, Rebecca, please follow this link:
Danielle’s fearless mother:
Charles Wright has a library of research on Remdesivir.
The extended version of the August 11, 2021 conversation between Paul Cottrell and Robert Malone, where Malone refuses to address “Critical Race Theory”
1:47:54 “I said we weren't going to go to Critical Race Theory”
2:08:30 I'm not a religious person”
(apparently in the Summer of 2021 the PR machine (Trevor FitzGibbon) who works with Malone, Urso, McCullough, Kory, Kirsch, Kennedy wasn’t working with Malone at the time, based on his commentary, doesn’t seem “scripted”)
But Robert Malone was happy to “go there” when he was race pimping on behalf of the POTUS that he supported in 2008, the Communist POTUS that embraced Fidel Castro (there are some “leaders” of the medical freedom movement, and their spouses, who are communist sympathizers, you know who you are, and so do we):
Why does a White man of privilege publicly race pimps on behalf of a politician with a family history of sympathizing with Communism, but won’t speak up to defend children against the current Critical Race Theory / Marxist takeover in our schools? Those of us who have family members that have been murdered by Communists embraced by Barack Obama want to know… be continued.
Know who emphatically denounces Communism, CRT and the indoctrination of our children? A real hero who has saved lives, Dr. Ben Carson, an American patriot who is unapologetic about his belief in God and a man who still honors his Mother:
“9:24 that's the very reason that God gave children parents to protect them and you know some people think that all of this is of recent origin all of these crazy things that are going on in our society that it's been going on for a while I want to read you something that comes from the Congressional Record January the 10th 1963. you're talking more than 60 years ago these are the remarks of the honorable as Herlong Junior of Florida and these are the current at that time Communist goals for America number 15 capture one or both of the political parties in the United States seems like they've done a good job there number 17 get control of the schools use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda soften the curriculum get control of teachers associations putting the party line in textbooks number 20 Infiltrate The Press get control of book review assignments editorial writing policy making positions gain control of key positions in radio TV Motion Pictures think about that number 32 support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture education social agencies welfare programs mental health clinics number 40 discredit the family as an institution encourage promiscuity and easy divorce emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents attribute prejudices mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents does any of that stuff sound familiar this is all the things that are happening in our society today we think we won the Cold War”
We’re not going to stop discussing the deadly protocols that have destroyed many American families - Remdesivir, ventilators, etc…..
We’re going to continue calling out the Communists and sympathizers of Communism who live in the US, especially those involved in the “medical freedom movement”. You can’t hide, we know who you are. Junk yard dogs, enter stage left.
I watched last night and focused on the same part of JJ's stream you did. The suppression of antibiotics is a series of red flags that have some underlying organization. Much of it seems to channel through the DoD, but of course, every institution is the puppet of somebody's interest. The Khan Man's interest?
My best friend and comrade in arms died last year as a result of Covid protocols. It was not necessary. They kept him on ventilators and in a coma for 3 months. He died after leaving the hospital. His esophagus was so damaged he struggled to breathe. A literal cash source for the hospital. I’ll be pissed the rest of my life.