SL is a Freemason. Her daughter is also making Power Pyramid signs in the video. Some say this doesn’t matter. It matters.

SL has been pumping the Lab Leak 'theory' for a long while now. It's a psyop.

SL is an insider. She cannot be trusted. Obviously.

Her kid is mentally ill. She seems to be suffering from a delusional disorder - and extreme narcissism.

It’s interesting that she said her parents are Dims, but it makes sense.

I notice SL responds to just about every comment here - which is odd behaviour to say the least.

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i respond to every comment with a power pyramid. Here is one for you: power pyramid with a middle finger sticking out.

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Vilma, Vilma, Vilma........................you have opened up some worms today. Things now are becoming clear. I will follow up after a bit more sniffing around, but you may have just flushed out a pheasant. A dirty bird........Thanks for the post, now I can spend the rest of my evening ciphering this revelation. There is more to this you know? Layers of treachery.

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You are a talented writer, a wordsmith, I am not. Can't wait to read your follow up to this report. Please save this post (i.e. save it as a pdf) because Sasha is threatening to have my Substack deleted - and the receipts I've included here are important.

You can find more info at Housatonic.Live- search by last name, it's the best database that I'm aware of - all open source.


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INCREDIBLE researcher, Kulacz.

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Indeed he is.

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He is also an expert on parenting, I hear.

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Bless your heart for spreading your venom, RFK Jr. must be so proud of you.

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Yes, I got a medal from RFK Jr. the other day, he says hi to you fed. I only wanted to consult with Mark on his technique of being a father. I would like to know what the secret is?

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Communists frequently decorate each other with medals, congratulations. Bless your heart. I'm not a father but no one in my immediate circle needs advise on fatherhood, unlike your daughter's father 🤷‍♀️

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How does your heart hold so much hate.

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She's been deleting mine repeatedly since April 28, and I just don't give a fuck anymore. If she's got that much power at SS, well let her have it. I lived without SS for seventy years. No problemo. Frankly, I think she bought into it.

Her recent journey appears to have been all about having C.A. Fitts transfer and secure her "holdings"...out of not looking so good to the plebes pharma into one of their "cover" subsidiaries or something; like I care.

She's vicious. As most lifelong alchies are.

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Sorry friend. You do seem to care. Very much. You are one of my TOP commenters...

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Oh gosh, of course, save every word! I need the records of pedo-attraction cyberstalking of minors by you, your pal Houey (means penis in Russian), Couey (means the same thing) and every other degenerate Biden voting Fed, America hater and foreign meddler in your group. I just had a secret teleconference with Alex Jones and he spotted you and Couey-Houey doing the nasty with frogs at the Bohemian Grove. Wow, I didn't know those sex positions even existed, you filthy degenerates! It's all recorded in Alex's database. He says hi.

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well well, look who's teaching us about "foreign meddlers"

Go on , go on.....

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Oh, friend! You kissed my ass profusely for a year and a half... so many gushing comments.... you couldn't get enough! LMAO.

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I can't wait for your revelations!

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While you seem like a nice enough person, and you have never actually done or said anything foul to me, I cipher and view the information that is publicly available. You are everywhere on this land. You have long guns on this land, scary ones, and are training with them. Training to do what? You have daughter who is feigning Islam, the same one with the guns. You have police in your business, for whatever reason. Now taking those available facts and referencing the history ON THIS LAND of people who are Eastern European, "busy" on the land, with guns and the picture does not bode well. Now are you up to something? That is for others to decide, but I do know from history, a violent history, that Eastern Europeans of this land ain't defending American Indians, y'all are stealing our names, lands, and anything else not nailed down. Facts. That is enough for me. Those guns ain't for White people, they are for us. This I believe.

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OK, you have been my subscriber for a while. I haven't said or done anything bad to you. You find an idiot on line who is green with hatred and immediately zero in on this material, which is freely available and half of it my own photos. I know you represent yourself as a Native American, and it will surprise you, but I am more Native American then most people. I have several NA genetic markers, because my Asian ancestors came here via the Behring bridge as early as 10K years ago. So, my question, what are YOU doing here on MY land? You stole everything from my ancient people and now pretend to be some sort of shaman on Substack? Regarding long guns - it will shock you, but with have the Constitution in these United States, and it has a thing called 2nd Amendment, which says the right to own guns will not be infringed by the government. Read it. Anyhow, I like being able to defend myself from commies, like Vilma who issue death threats to me frequently. Unlike your Indian relatives, I am not planning to just give up and roll over for a casino and cigarettes license from the feds. Since I have guns, I train and my children train marksmanship and gun safety at the county range, which is 100% legal and is encouraged in our community.

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I am not "Native American," I am American Indian, and not Siberian-mongol or Plains. They are not us. You ain't us. We go back farther on this land. They migrated here. We have always been here and the "trick" science of DNA cant put yall here. Its just another "grift." Show me some paperwork, any paperwork from THIS LAND dated before 1900? You aint got none. Mines goes back to the start of this, and this is the paperwork I make public, I have more. 1790 Census, WE are there. American Revolution documented. "Indians not taxed"



I don't appreciate you trying to slur my people. If I was dirty, I would do a whole series on substack about your people, history, Nazi past, Banderas massacres and sundry horrfic crimes and trust you would not like it. Ukraine, right? When I write about others, I write facts. Let's start with the sex trafficking, auto accidents, fraud of all kinds, meth cooking, organized crime, the whole gambit. See, I know first hand. I lived among y'all. Oh, and stripping cars and changing VIN numbers. Again, you ain't on this land doing nothing but slithering. I used to like you. In my comment I did not disrespect you, and you attacked me and my people. In law that is called, "hitting a nerve." That to me, a man with long experience in the streets, speaks volumes. You told on yourself. You are up to fitnah, I do believe.

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Yeah, she had the "class" to call me "Pocahontas". Although never personally thanking me for a money sub when I can't even afford to live in my land of birth, 'cause she "says" it's hers. What a freak.

What a juvenile. She has no respect whatsoever. Straight up.

And so many have witnessed this right on her own SS, that she can deny it to the gates of hell, and bring her guns, it won't change it.

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She don't have no paperwork to prove anything. NONE. No census records, no nothing. Her people just got here and she is doing EXACTLY what her ancestors did. Those people came here and helped with the genocide. They rampaged all over the south during the 1920s. They are evil "Chazars." Them guns wont save them this time. Trust.

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Oh, I see, you stole the land from my ancestors to build casinos, become alcoholics and set up tourist traps, and now you backpedal and act all tribal, lmao, racist clown. what are you doing typing on the white devil-invented keyboard? go run in the woods and piss in the wind, chief.

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Oh, I wish my friend hadn't sent me here.

You better ask Katherine to pray hard for you. If you ever come within my circle of life, you won't enjoy it. You're willing to hate everyone who doesn't kiss your ass.

Sad. The brazen insults you dish out like some kind of heroin for yourself here? You'll pay, you'll pay. The ancestors went nowhere, and I've already warned you. They've all heard you now.

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Your skin aint even copper or brown or any shade of it. Your people are not indigenous to this land. My tribe has been here since 12000 BC at least. Your people did not exist then. There were no "Ukrainians" then. You seem very childish for a grown female, and I get it that you need to justify your presence on this land, but lets be clear, EVERYTHING YOU HAVE YOU GOT FROM THIS LAND. Your home, ON THIS LAND, your car ON THIS LAND, your bank, ON THIS LAND, your daily bread, ON THIS LAND. STOLEN LAND TAKEN BY GENOCIDE, FRAUD AND THEFT, especially in California. . Our land has been feeding you, and your people who infested this land since the late 1800 thru early 1900s You can try and front, PRETEND, but you ain't "us" and I have the Bureau of Indian Affairs card to prove it, and guess what? You, or your family don't, and you never will. See my family is listed on the Original Dawes Rolls, you and your people can't fraud your way on there. Another thing, see "in real life" not phony substack or internet life, but real California "South Central LA type life, " grimy street life, your mouth would be shut, and like your folks before you, you would be scurrying away. Not because of a threat or a word, I don't threaten, but a look, and my energy, would be enough. You are very childish and immature. I was gonna leave you alone, but you had to shoot off your mouth. All Indians ain't alcoholics, and all Indians ain't poor. You are a vile, detestable, cowardly, immigrant bitch, slithering around on this land doing all manner of shit starting. A agent provocateur I believe. This s too much for me. I don't play games. I don't take kindly to foreigners on my land trying to steal our identities and grifting. Just like your people at Ellis Island when they gave them our names. You Eastern European palefaces, and yours is pale, got a lot of nerve, and a big mouths behind "layers of separation." Everything that makes you is ours, EVERYTHING. Go back to your motherland and see how well you do. This land is already feeding your land , sending money, send arms, and supporting your people like the parasites they are. If it was not for money, AID, borrowed AGAINST OUR LAND AS COLLATERAL, ya'll devils would starve. Your whole cultural "get down" ON THIS LAND is crime, fraud, theft, drug dealing intel ops, and sex trafficking. I'm blocking you little girl, because I am an adult, and I don't argue online. Chief is right, NOT PARASITE. NOT IMMIGRANT, BLOOD TIES TO THE LAND. Can't steal or fake DNA or defraud that. You ca't name 3 grandmothers back on this land. LOL

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Wasn't no ice age in the swamps of Louisiana, ever. That is further North. See, most people get us mixed up. We are not the Siberian-Mongol tribes you reference, we were here long before them. We are the Aboriginal peoples of the Americas. They migrated over the Bearing strait, we were already here since 12000 BC. We are not nomads, we live in built structure, not teepees.

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I was speaking of Europeans who crossed a land bridge across the Atlantic. During the last ice age, wasn't there was a mile high ice sheet covering North America?

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mud huts with wifi?

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learn English, please. There are remedial ESL courses at your local community college. Ebonics is not a language, it's low IQ.

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I was and in some ways still am a Sasha supporter. She has repeatedly displayed courage and a razor sharp mind.

Then eight or so months ago I was reading the comments below an interview with Dr. David Martin. Sasha was embroiled in a flame war with a staunch proponent of the no virus camp. This was no civil academic exchange. Sasha unleashed her hounds and mocked, belittled, and humiliated this woman. It makes no difference to me if 100% of her points were valid: she was the shadow side of her benevolent public persona. She revealed a cruelty that stunned me.

So am I surprised by her daughter’s raging tragic life?

Not one iota.

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" Popularity is utterly irrelevant to what's true and what isn't." - Soph. Be Not Afraid. 2019.

My daughter's live is not tragic, it is amazing. We have a very strong loving relationship, our entire family does. Your jealousy is palpable. The blackness of your soul is visible, because you chose to hate the God's creation that my daughter is. And you chose it only because an old stupid cunt Vilma from the internet told you to! What an epic failure.

I am not a civil academic. I am not an academic. I am not benevolent, and I do not know nor care what my public persona is, or what others think it should be. If you want a "classy lady" I suggest looking at a neighborhood bar. I am sorry I don't behave in ways you or Vilma or Joe Shmo from the internet thinks that I should, and I assure you that's 100% intentional. I practice on trolls for entertainment and sport, the same reason I practice with my assault rifle at a county range. I enjoy it. Thank you for your support.

PS. If I "unleash" on some troll online, like I am doing here at Vilma, that's because they deserve it. That's also none of your business. When you get harassed online, I will NEVER tell you how to behave, and I will certainly not judge, because it is your own business.

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Sasha, your unmasking continues. You're the gift that keeps on giving, I am not worthy! No one here is harassing you - the commenters have been very patient, respectful and mature - unlike you.

You may not care about your "public persona" but the organizations that support you might have a different view.

You are your worst enemy - or is little Soph the one posting all of the immature, nasty comments?

I'm not a troll, you're in my sandbox and you've been very abusive to most of the commenters - that's on you, not on us. Your unmasking continues.

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Chica, it is touching to me that despite everything, you believe for some reason that I am a high society academic intellectual of a stratospheric media status. Thank you for confirming my public persona is amazing and nothing you or your retarded friends tried for the past 2 years worked. Mwahhh!

Yes, please make sure ALL the organizations that support me read this page. Puhleezeee! I am begging you. Tell them to stop funding me, at once! Lmaoooo.

"The worst thing you can do when met with these miserable little creatures, is compromise..." - Soph, Be Not Afraid, 2019.

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Please provide proof of what I've tried, as it relates to you, for the past two years. I'll wait.

Your narcissism and unfounded arrogance is fascinating to witness.

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Isn't it, though? I wonder if they all take lessons from her. You know, Hillary and all.

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What you are trying now. It didn't work. Other than provide me with some entertaining target practice material.

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What am I trying? I've exposed, once again, that you're a liar. I'm very efficient in my research and reporting, which is why you're here squirming.

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your daughter's "live"

Oh, dear dear English tutor, get your own shit straight, won't you?

Does shooting yourself full of holes here amount to "target practice" for you?

becoming a comedy

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you come after my family, you are a fair game to me, sweetheart. don't walk, run.

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Your delusion that anyone is coming after your family is very juvenile. You need to train Soph to provide better responses.

You got caught in another lie, receipts are provided to prove your lie.

Of the people you attack, only you has a child who has threatened to kill anyone, you can't hide from the facts. Your money and White privilege worked in your favor as the Police Department swept the issue under their rug of corruption, apparently.

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Vilma, thanks for having the courage to post this. I've had a draft of an article about Soph sitting in my stack for a year. It was Mark of Housatonics who talked me out of posting it, saying that you can't undo an action. We both thought that perhaps Sasha didn't really know what her daughter was doing, which was some of the most disturbing content I've ever seen. But these responses make it clear that Sasha is the one deeply disturbed, "A cretin like yourself won't appreciate the sophisticated vocabulary of her content, and her sense of humor, but nonetheless, thank you. I could not be more proud."

The vitriol in every response shows that Sasha has always been working for destruction and hatred. If I had any doubt, her insults show they were misplaced.

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"Years ago, when politization of the internet has just begun, the people who were dedicated to patrolling the internet were noticeably fringe and disorganized. Now they are a defined enclave, uniformly striving towards scaring others into considering free speech as a conditional concept" - Soph, Be Not Afraid, 2019.

This was written for you, Tereza. For every insufferable postmenopausal, lonely, dissatisfied cunt patrolling the internet out there... I love my daughter, what a gift from God!

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And evidently, you love few other women on the planet.

You're just the same as the guys you're screaming about, Sasha. You're a woman hater.

So how you must hate yourself. Well yeah, it's evident here.

Are your daughter's words the foundation of your "philosophy"?

Or just your incredibly deep hatred of living beings?

Go ahead and start shooting those guns off and get it over with. Use 'em for what you bought them for. You live in town where prostituting poor women is "legal".

You're probably in on the "receipts".

Thanks, tho, you've taught us much you didn't intend to.

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I love my children and my husband. My daughter is a brilliant thinker and writer and she is a true gift from God. You hate my daughter, you hate me, you hate my family, and therefore you are a fair game to me. I intend every single word I write. And, evidently, bullseye! :) LMAO. Cry more. hugs & kisses.

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Tereza, I love my daughter, and I think her content is brilliant. The fact that you don't see the intelligence and humor of her skits only speaks to your low IQ and poor knowledge of the English language. The fact that you need to trash someone you do not know and their daughter here together with Vilma (who is verifiably a cretin) and Housatonic (who drove his own son to suicide) - speaks volumes about your own completely black soul. I will pray for you.

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Bless your heart. Your unmasking has been fascinating to witness. Fascinating.

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your unmasking Vilma is compete now. Google agent.

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Soph, you need to up your game, honey. Your responses are too juvenile, you're supposed to pretend that you're Sasha. There seems to be a generational language barrier.

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barrier? appears they are one, fused

I can't imagine any female who is not a mirror image of Sasha being allowed to live in her house...I won't say "home", that requires a heart

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You should scream at the Pussy some more about this issue? Is this a 53 year old "fused" with a 20 yo girl who is not allowed in her house??? This is a difficult problem. Why do you hate her so much? Are you a pussy hater??? oh, sorry, my bad English again, I mean to say La Gata.

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You got me! I am a summer intern on duty working for Lady Sasha. My name is Lagatadumbcunt, I am based in Bangalore. I will record your precious wsidomwords and write a memo for Lady Sasha communicating your adoration and worship of her great self. Goodbye.

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Sasha is not a "Lady", so there's that. LOL.

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Wow. Just wow. Unhinged at its most unhingedness...

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Very sad, so young and yet so much hatred.

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It is. Seems programmed. Wondering if the officials who invite this expert to speak are aware of the kinds of comments she posts ?

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She has a role to play and she has mastered it. A foreigner who, thanks to US taxpayers money, became wealthy, brags about it and now distracts Americans by saying our Military is trying to kill us. If our Military wanted all of us dead, we wouldn't be here. She spreads hate and fear, like a good Communist does. Her role seems to be spreading hate and division within Conservatives- she's yet another Hillary supporter who has infiltrated and infested a mostly Conservative MFM. Why has she been presented as an expert in Steve Kirsch funded events? We can start there....

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you have a role to play too - a foreigner who mooched off US taxpayers all her life, became a Fed to spy on Americans and cover up crimes like what they are doing with the Trump shooting now. So toxic and bitter that all you have in your life is hatred, soul cancer and cats.

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Where are your receipts?

Let's put an end to your Robert Malone circle jerks and lies, try for once, to be original. It will be a challenge for you, but try to be a grown up. Where's your proof? I'll wait.

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You said yourself you were a Fed, don't backpedal. Only a democrat voting liberal would say stupid shit like "assault rifle" - there are none. you clearly haven't served in the military, you had some desk mooching-at-the-trough job. and now you are on fixed income, lonely, shriveled and have cats (and rotting brain from toxo) - it's all here, in your writing. You hate 2nd Amendment, you are a foreigner (can't even write in English) - hispanic commie. I am a skilled profiler.

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This literally is like one big f…..ng cat fight. The cats have claws like grizzlies. Fur and skin are flying. What the hell is going on? Way out of my league for sure.

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Kathryn, it's not a cat fight. I am just doing some target practice here on a fed account (she admitted that herself, plus she defends Google, so that's a tell). I do not take this seriously, even for a nanosecond, and nobody should.

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You're lousy at target practice, chica, you've failed miserably with your circle jerks. Give Soph a raise, her immature rants are torpedoes at every organization and individual who publicly supports you. The memes will be fantastic.

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the left can't meme. You fedbois have no sense of humor.

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Please let the officials know ASAP to not invite me! Who are the officials, by the way?

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yes, it is much more appropriate to be a lonely, old twat and full of hatred... of the young, beautiful and intelligent. I can't agree more.

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Yes, you are such a woman hater. Another one of your shining feathers in the cap.

Who's full of hate here? And you are not young beautiful nor intelligent

So how would you know one?

I think you have a desire to die violently. Or you actually believe you are protected by your dirty money. Wow. Amazing. Thanks for the shit show.

Makes my life look like a lovely blessed affair.

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Is this a death threat, fed? Lol, I got you good, right where it hurts. 😉

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Once again, you've missed the point. The money you brag about obviously can't buy you happiness, proper English, intelligence or class. They already have an overabundance of everything you're lacking. I'm embarrassed for you.

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Jul 17
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So you have nothing. Try harder next time instead of making unsubstantiated accusations. You've failed.

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"In cases when somebody says something that sounds bad, that wasn't just a joke, it's because it wasn't meant for you!" -Soph. Be Not Afraid, 2019.

This was meant for you.

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Sasha, your public implosion by explosive narcissistic rage is spectacular. Shocking and disappointing and sad.

I and I’m sure others here have deeply appreciated much of your work, but the Hate is strong in you.

I have close-up experience with a person who presented themselves as virtuous, then were inevitably self-outed as agents of hate and chaos due their arrogance.

Your Icarus fall from the heights of prominence makes Tiger Woods look like a piker.

Sincerely, look inward and ask yourself who is being served by your hate-filled spews.

Hint: only You.

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Why do you have mother and her daughter so much? Is this because you have black soul or none at all?

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What a sad lost kid.

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she says hi to you, Fairy, and to ask if you are a Fed like Vilma? And Clive Colon is asking if you are hiring?

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Of course. What else could I be?

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I knew that

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"Don't ever allow yourself to be silenced. These nobodies will never amount to anything more than sock accounts on Twitter.." - Soph. Be Not Afraid, 2019.

It's like she wrote this for you, isn't it?

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Is it?

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Yes. I suggest you watch it and listen to the words: https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=AsRIWjp2MDk

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Everything to know about your poor kid is already manifest here.

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Right. You are afraid to watch it and realize what a dumb ass you are, as her content is brilliant, especially that video. Because you already know that. You can't watch and see that she is THAT intelligent. And that you were hating on a person that you actually would enjoy listening to, because you follow some cunt named Vilma and two intellectual faggots named Housatonic and Couey and you believe them. Believe me, I get it.

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yeah yeah you have the most intelligent righteous children on the planet Sasha

Now go back to your picnic and stop spraying all over

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In case you haven't seen my response to yours yet, Vilma: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/sashas-daughter-soph

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Thank you, Tereza. I'm so grateful that you shared transcript of the video where Soph threatens to kill Susan Wojcicki. The police department quickly dismissed the threats - the power of money in full display!

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Hopefully CPS will see this an intervene.

Thanks for taking this on, La Gata. I know it's not easy to take on these gangstalkers. But God will help you prevail. He has promised.

Don't let them bait you. That's what they want. You are correct and in the right and telling the truth.

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Thank you. I've been sitting on this info for a while, unsure of how to present it as I expected attacks and as you've mentioned, baiting. After shooting at Trump rally by an angry young man, God decided the time was NOW. Another researcher had shared some data and I dug deeper. It was very challenging to assemble it in a cohesive way.

In her usual ghettoish behavior, Sasha has threatened to have my Substack deleted. I know you're not shocked!

Thank you for your support🙏

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So Sasha Latypova is the MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN? I did not know. The Great and Powerful Sasha who controls Substack and SO much more.

My GOODNESS! I am frightened now.

I do wonder how much crack one must smoke to become this delusional? Ah, well...I'll likely never know...

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yes, of course I control all of Substack, didn't you know. Me and Robert Malone and 20 staffers that work here. Actually, I am on duty intern, working for Sasha right now. You were so right, you uncovered all her secrets! It's true there is a whole office. Who could possibly write all those articles...

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Why do you keep mentioning the Fed boi? He's irrelevant. I've already exposed the Vaccine Frankenstein who wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids. The gnome is mean and has a horrible temper, but he's irrelevant in our worlds. You must've missed that memo. BTW, I don't drink or do drugs, I have a screenshot of your original post, not very smart to make unsubstantiated accusations that can be easily disproven. I've been the designated driver since I was 18 because I don't get drunk or do drugs. My facts vs your lies.

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You're trying to talk truth to an alcoholic here. There's no use at all.

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because your dumb and dumber fedbois Couey and Houey that you love and defend here scream every twich sesh - "on the stage with Malooooone!" So yes, me and Malone run this place, for realz.

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you write like you are plastered on white zinfandel, however maybe it's your raging toxoplasmosis talking. So I have strong evidence of what I say.

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You have nothing, Sasha. Nothing. Robert Barnes was right about you - your erratic behavior and incoherent rants prove that his observations were correct, ugly as they may be.

You and Malone don't run anything, obviously 🤣🤣

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oh my goodness... oh my, it is so difficult to get videos that are on YouTube and Rumble, and photos I post on my Twitter, that takes mega research skills. I spoke to Robert Malone and he will delete your Substack.

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Robert Malone failed at getting my Substack deleted when I exposed his wanting to experiment Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids, a post that shook Meryl Nass to the point where she wrote a racist, vile post about me and she used CHD to threaten Housatonic because he shared my post. I'm accustomed to Leftist/Communist Whites in positions of power to attempt to silence me. I can wipe my four toilets with you, Meryl and Malone😉

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Oh cool, dear Robert is on it. My toilet wiper is called Vilma, by the way. It works great by eating shit...

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Reaching into your underpants and throwing shit at everybody is not a good look, sasha.

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🤣🤣As Pirate Studebaker mentioned a while ago, Sasha is ghetto. I agreed by stating that she's a great example of "money can't buy class" based on her record of performance in responding to comments. She's the female version of Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone, the Fed bois who have elevated her, shared a stage with her.

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Don't look then, mayonnaise.

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Oh yes! The CPS called today, right after Vilma's post. She blew the case right open, that old twatty sleuth... They are on it!

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Are you unaware of the reputation of CPS? You know CPS is the most dangerous place for a child right?

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I am totally aware! It's extremely dangerous, especially when the child is 20 yo.

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Whew! Over the top!

Touché 🙀🕵🏻😄🤷🏾🙅🏻

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Well, I think we’re past done here. Disappointing education.

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Apple .... Tree... Fall... not far?

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Mother of the year award recipient 😅

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Thanks for writing this article. It’s eye-opening. I always take note when somebody who is being exposed uses words like “chica” and “sweetheart” to engage the people exposing info the exposed person doesn’t want exposed. That’s the kind of stuff we see out here in the ether while, undoubtedly, there are threats of censorship happening in the background.

There’s a lot to sort through in all these fake movements and I’m grateful for you, Vilma, for allowing us to see other aspects of folks we might not have seen otherwise. Perhaps the people who reached the tops of their fields of study and got rich doing it believe we will all follow them to our inevitable enslavement.

Getting all the truth out is messy and sometimes fraught with various struggles but so very necessary. Takes years to sort all of this out. Maybe what we can take away from all of this is the notion that these “thought leaders” are simply hoping to keep their place in the upper echelon.

Regular folk can see what is happening as this isn’t just an intellectual battle. Rather, we can see our various freedoms being chipped away while we all argue about the details. My suggestion is to be like Gatapolitica and keep asking questions, digging down and letting others see what you find so we can make our own decisions about what is happening/being done to us. Thank you for this work. It’s very valuable and I’m grateful to learn about all you’ve written.

I learned a while ago that it’s actually impossible to become a real influencer if you expose unbridled truth but if we, all the regular people, keep searching, with the help of authors like Vilma, we will have a better shot at figuring all this stuff out.

Thank you!

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Gracias! That's so beautifully written. You're very astute in clearly seeing the attacks on me, not on the data I provide. I've learned to listen closely to the words they say and keep notes so I can go back and contrast them with what I hear from other folks. Then I catch the lies!

I have no desire for fame, so you'll never see me on national or international speaking tours. I prefer to remain in the background, sharing my research - for free. Very frequently I'm accused of being on the payroll of the Federal Government- I'd love to have access to their benefits!! I lack the credentials, unfortunately.

Thank you for reading my research and for sharing your observations, much appreciated.

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Well, I just got a refund from Sasha Latypova’s substack. It’s all rigged and nobody likes when somebody carefully shows them what is going on. She can cancel me but people are waking up. First and foremost, she needs to care for her daughter who clearly has some mental issues and stop berating parents who lost their kids to drugs (Mark Kulacz) as clearly, the young people are messed up and what exactly messed her kid up? It wasn’t the military. Just sayin.

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How did you manage to get a refund? I asked for one last Oct and was ignored.

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She blocked me first and then I got a PRO-RATED refund. She’s creepy. So is her daughter. That’s all I know but influencers who get you all mad and then show us how cool they are by not exercising their rights are probably not who they say they are. Imagine giving up our basic rights voluntarily! That’s nuts. Who is she working for/with? That’s the only question that seems pertinent now.

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Holy SHIT. This version of the woman sounds like an unhinged cokehead or some kind of speed freak ranting in this chat thread.

Unmasked indeed. How many are there, writing under this name? Like all the psy-ops folks, this one seems to have a few.

So sad that her daughter is so obviously intellectually gifted, and has taken this path whether by choice or not. She's probably been bankrolled and groomed, and reminds me of what they did to that poor climate girl Greta.

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Some have compared Soph to Greta. You can't unsee or pretend to not know about Sasha's daughter threatening to kill Susan Wojcicki or her advocating to have cops killed. And then you read Sasha's comments where she spews her hate and racism.

It is the unmasking of Sasha, by Sasha. There will be more!

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I don't understand why y'all are targeting a young talented girl who is in the process of self discovery??? Doesn't make any sense - even if you don't agree with her processing methods. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for stooping so low that you're actually digging your own graves. What a load of nonsense and a complete waste of time... all because some people don't recognise they are being led by their jealous egos disguised as God All effing Mighty!

I hope Sasha and her daughter can rise above these muddy waters and find their way through the evil tentacles of this desperate unjustified attack on mother via daughter. What a load of low down sad and absolute BITCHES!

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You're a master at raising vibrations.

Please point out the "unjustified attack" - I've proven that Sasha lied about the matter where her daughter threatened to kill Susan Wojcicki and I've proven that Sasha lied about Trump putting us under "Military dictatorship" - those are facts, not attacks.

I'm not responsible for your inability to separate facts from fiction.

Define "load of low down sad and absolute BITCHES" - and how that comment "raises vibrations" - my certified energy healers are interested in hearing how you square high vibrations with your vitriol. Thanks for playing in my sandbox.

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Define "load of low down sad and absolute BITCHES" = Vilma-the-Hysterical-Internet-Patrol.

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It appears, my dearest Sasha, that it is you who is hysterical throughout your comments. You could be more effective in communicating your thoughts if you weren't so emotional and immature. It's been a fascinating journey for me, can't wait to publish the other videos that will create lots of animated commentary 😄

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Of course it is fascinating to you, you have vocabulary of a Neanderthal. Did you get on the fed payroll as a diversity hire? It's not my fault you never learned English. There are ESL courses, you know. Never too late.

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The unmasking continues...fascinating.

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Wow. WE'll put it on your gravestone"

"She thought she spoke perfect English, and that meant a whole fucking lot to her!!"

It's most likely the pharmaceuticals you take. I don't know. They make personalities like what you exhibit lately. Pretty sick.Alcohol too.

I thought you weren't in the least concerned, Sasha? That's what you insisted when you decided to shit on me.

Of course, within a week or so you were writing "of course I"m concerned"

Once you got rid of me, cause no one needs to look into your "stocks". Or anyone's really!!

Were you stripper at one time, cause that's what you're doing here.

It's evident you have respect for no one whatsoever, starting with yourself.

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why do you hate women so much?

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So you are saying that police are lying? You anti American trash. You hate the police officers, calling them liars and you hate the 2nd A. True colors come through every time.

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Police are on video confirming they investigated the death threat. No matter how much you do a Malone circle jerk, the facts remain the same.

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they investigated and found that there was no death threat. I actually never even talked to the police bc I didn't open the front door. They didn't have a warrant because my daughter did not do anything wrong. Wow, Wojcicki lied, and you are lying, and you are publishing trash lies. You seem to be violently against the US law and Constitution, because you are a filthy liberal. Who knew?

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That's not what the Police spokesperson stated in their reporting, so you're now officially calling them liars. "They were concerned, they reviewed" - "they" are the parents.

Susan Wojcicki didn't call the police on your daughter because of silly anti-woke rhetoric, her reason for contacting the LEOs is clearly stated in the reports and confirmed by the PD.

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Get with the program "not credible" is the same as "never happened"!

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Ah, this is all written by female dogs in heat?

What wonders won't cease.

Of course, woman hatred is nothing new. and some women only hate "those " women.

LOL..make her pay you, there's no excuse for Sasha's behavior , regardless

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I got your nuts in a vise demon. Didn't take long either. Night Night 🌙 😴

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I haven’t seen her videos but I would prefer to see a 14 year old girl exploring political issues online than what so many other 14 year old girls are doing online…sexualising themselves and demeaning themselves with an emphasis on their physical appearance. Where are the objections to this behaviour?

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"I haven't seen her videos"🤦‍♀️

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You will enjoy this video, it's my favorite. BuzzFeed went ballistic after this: https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=AsRIWjp2MDk

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right on. Because Vilma is a liberal, she wants kids sexualized and sold to pedos like Housatonic and Couey. My daughter was vocal about liberal agenda of the Dems, she was vocal about sexualization of children and she was particularly hated by old lonely cunts like Vilma. I actually recommend you watch the videos made by Soph, you will enjoy them. I could not be more proud.

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Provide proof of your slanderous accusations, I'll wait.

Your daughter exposed you as a hardcore Leftist while you've fooled Conservatives & Independents into thinking you were on their team. It's no surprise lifelong Progressives Steve Kirsch & Robert Malone have played the same game. Shameful. Three peas in a pod.

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thank you. They trash my daughter because they hate me. My daughter is 20 years old now and has her own business, and in any case, the content she created was always independent. She is a brilliant comedy writer, brilliant writer in general, and I absolutely love and support what she does. These low-lives hate my writing about covid plandemic and the role of the US gov. They are likely federal contractors assigned to trash me. The can't debate me, they can't disprove what I say, so they go after my family. Yawn. How original. Yet, like the apes that they are all they can do is post my daughter's skits and gape at it, and her words and intelligence are inaccessible to them... LOL.

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Sasha, please stop pretending you're Robert Malone- he's the perpetual victim, not you. The only one spewing hate is you - it's obviously what you enjoy doing.

Stop pretending to be a victim and stop spreading lies and hate.

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Vilma, you unmasking is complete now! Stop pretending you are not a fed, funded by Google/YT censorship machine.

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Prove that I'm a Fed and funded by Google/YT censorship machine. It's fun publicly calling out your many lies. I'm just getting started.

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In my humble opinion this all you needed to respond with Sasha. Stay true to your essence 😉🙏🏼

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oh, I know, thanks. But I enjoy this the same way I enjoy target practice at the range using my "assault rifle" (lol!) It's a good sport!

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I appreciate you took the time to reply... thank you. Unfortunately there are many people with letters after their names that are incapable of true independent thinking. They may be book smart but seriously impaired and arrogantly unaware of their own contribution to their eventual entrapment - Pavlov's dogs et.al comes to mind. It's gonna take a while before some people are ready to release themselves of the chains of slave consciousness. Warrior Lady - Peace and strength be to you and your family. Amen!

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You lack the capacity to respond to simple questions. Tell me about those vibrations😂😂😂😂

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why are you asking him for a vibrator?

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You've clearly established why your young daughter speaks publicly about adult topics, bless your heart.

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It was a simple question. No need to be so upset and emotional.

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why is it any of your business?

god, you think you're everyone's warrior mother, or something?

And you claim to be an orthodox catholic religious member?

How many different personalities you got there?

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why do you hate mothers and their children so much? FYI, there is no "catholic orthodox". Got you, fking demon.

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