
Drug Overdose Deaths: Why Aren't the Leaders of the Freedom Movement Talking About it?

Robert Malone - why are you ignoring this catastrophe?

I’m sharing this video by Mark of without his permission - it’s an important topic we should be discussing - but those with ginormous global megaphones continue to ignore this issue.

Mark is reacting to a recent interview of Robert W. Malone, MD (aka Vaccine Frankenstein in my sandbox) by Crowdsource the Truth Jason Goodman and John Cullen. Malone, the highly funded “leader” of the “medical freedom movement” - yes, the one who continues to wipe his digital footprint. The highly scripted interview was deleted from YouTube but can be found on Odysee:

(For the record, Jason Goodman has caught election thief Norm Eisen on the streets of New York and has some good video clips on his X account )

Mark’s son died of a drug overdose - a tragic, heart wrenching experience many parents in the US are familiar with - drugs are killing our kids. It was very disappointing that neither Jason nor John asked the Vaccine Frankenstein about drug over dose statistics, I am hopeful that they will follow up this interview with another conversation to discuss why overdose drug deaths were covered up by coding them as Covid19 deaths. We know that this deception was promoted - Covid19 deaths provided doctors and funeral homes with extra Covid19 cash.

(all the screenshots below are from government websites, links are in graphics)

Drug overdoses in the US increased from 8.20 per 100,000 deaths in 2002 to 32.6 in 2022 - yet no one in the so-called “medical freedom movement” is discussing this devastating issue that is killing Americans.

What happened in 2020? The age-adjusted rate was 31% higher than in 2019.

What caused an increase in drug overdose deaths? The actual numbers are probably higher since many deaths in 2020 were classified as Covid19 - doctors and hospitals received financial bonuses for Covid deaths. Shameful.

There was a significant increase in overdose deaths from 2018 to 2022 - why don’t these lives matter to the globe trotting warriors of the medical freedom movement? What are they hiding?

Which drugs are killing our kids and family members? Fentanyl is the top culprit, according to government data.

Drug overdose deaths at work 2011-2016

  • January 23, 2020

Below are some videos that are both educational and difficult to watch - this is the reality of many families who are suffering due to the overdose death of spouses, children, parents, neighbors, etc. We must make this topic a priority in all of our social circles. Our kids’ lives depend on it - it doesn’t discriminate by race/ethnicity, class status or skin color.

Let’s honor the deceased by having roundtable discussions within the medical freedom movement - we can stop the massacre if we highlight the issue.

Be brave, talk about overdose deaths. Start the conversation.

Do you know anyone who has died from an overdose? Share their stories, let’s honor the deceased.


Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States, 2002–2022
How many drug overdose deaths happen every year in the US?

Housatonic database