Please explain how Trump “made it “ permanent state of law” - Regulation issued by Barack Obama’s administration on January 19, 2017. Did you vote for Communist pig Barack Obama?
The Regulation mentioned by “Vote Created Equal” is below (link in graphic) - published by Barack Obama’s administration on January 19, 2017 - the day before Trump was sworn in as POTUS.
According to Sasha’s daughter, both of her parents are hardcore Democrats who voted for Hillary Clinton, so it’s no surprise that Sasha is confused about the DOD’s role (as Robert Barnes has so eloquently stated) and the fact that Trump did not sign ANY of the Executive Orders pertaining to Communicable diseases mentioned in her interview with Jane Ruby. I’m still waiting for Jane Ruby to rectify her error in blaming Trump for Executive Orders that were signed before he ran for POTUS.
The American Bar Association clarifies the Federal Government has “broad” authority to quarantine:
As I’ve mentioned many times here on Substack, the States have their own quarantine laws and authority:
Below are the three quarantine Executive Orders that both Sasha and Jane blame on Trump - all were issued before Trump ran for POTUS:
The most recent quarantine Executive Order was issued by Mr. Potato himself, Joe Biden:
Transcript from Robert Barnes video is below. I’ve noticed that some individuals here in Substack, with suspected connections to the Feds, are attempting to discredit Robert Barnes. We see you. I’ll leave it at that.
“From Vilma.
Please explain what Sasha is talking about.
She keeps accusing Trump of taking military actions against us and it doesn't make sense to me.
I've disagreed with her from day one on that.So this interpretation was that the COVID-19 was a bioweapon and that the vaccine was a bioweapon.
And that it was deliberately done by the military as a weapon.
Trump's military.
Trump himself.
And it's like,
then why have a contract that requires the delivery of a safe,
effective vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19?
But why would you have that contract if it's all a military weapon anyway?
Never made any sense.
And she's confused the fact that they use the Defense Department to fast-track it with the idea that it's a defense weapon.”
Sasha has stated that ten individuals were murdered by the Government while at these Military Bases where they were quarantined, can’t wait to see their death certificates and learn about what weapons the US Military used in order to kill these civilians. I’ll let one of my boys know so that he can spin up his law firm to file lawsuits against the Government.
I wonder which branch of the US Military Sasha, her husband and offspring have served since she’s so focused on them.
Why would a foreigner choose to live in a country where the Military was empowered by a former President by putting us under “permanent Military emergency” and under “Military dictatorship” - I agree with Mr. Barnes, she’s definitely confused. I live near several Military Bases and I’ve never seen them take over our medical facilities. I do see them when I’ve visited the nearest VA Hospital and when I’ve visited the VA in Washington, DC - I always take the time to thank each one of them for their service and for making it possible for Refugees from third world shithole countries to live in the best nation on this planet, the USA.
Sasha, honey, if the US Military wanted to kill us, they can do it very quickly and silently. We’ve paid for these weapons of mass destruction. If you hate this country that has afforded you, as you claim, so much wealth, why are you here? Does your mother-in-law hate this country as well? She seems to have enjoyed a long career at the University of Rochester. I’m sure the $50 million dollar “investment” initiated by Spitzer for the University of Rochester Medical Center/Clinical and Translational Science Building benefitted the startup iCardiac. Interesting how some foreigners are helped by the US Government and still they attack the same Government.
Stop fear mongering about the US Military wanting to kill us. They have the tools to wipe us out when they choose to do so. Correct your public statements about Trump issuing Executive Orders about quarantines and provide the receipts of your accusation that Trump put us under a “Military dictatorship” - where’s the order that he signed? What is a “Military dictatorship”?
Sasha, are you still a Hillary supporter? Did you vote for Communist pig Barack Obama, like Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch did?
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